Sustainable Confetti Material for Environmentally Friendly EPP Components

News (en)

In the production of EPP molded parts, residual raw materials regularly arise due to color and batch changes, which do not have to end up as waste. Our long-standing support of the zero-pellet-loss initiative is reflected in technical and organizational measures that ensure excess material is collected and reused. The resulting confetti material from recovered EPP granules allows the production of new molded parts with individual coloring.

For the Zehnder Group Germany, we produce an installation box for a ventilation unit made from confetti material. By directly using residual raw materials, CO2 emissions are reduced by an impressive 44 percent compared to conventional EPP materials.

Upon request, we offer our customers the opportunity to specify the carbon footprint of their products at the technology and process level. This also shows the CO2 savings that can be achieved through a variation of material, tool construction, and process management.

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