Start of training

News (en)

At the start of September, Roland Zeifang, Managing Director of RUCH NOVAPLAST, welcomed seven new trainees to the company.

RUCH NOVAPLAST is currently training 19 people in the commercial and business sector, for example, industrial clerks, mechatronics engineers, industrial engineers, and machine and plant operators. The training started with three introductory days, during which the new team members gained extensive insight into the different areas of the company, and were able to participate in initial training sessions.

The highlight from the first week of training was, without doubt, a day of “Footgolf”, which was organised by the trainees who are already further along in their training. This activity not only provided a welcome break from their day-to-day work routine, but also allowed the apprentices and trainers to get to know each other better and forge a professional bound in a relaxed environment.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new apprentices, and wish them every success in their professional journey here at RUCH NOVAPLAST.
