High-temperature-resistant BASF material in series applications at RUCH NOVAPLAST

News (en)

BASF introduced a new, high-temperature resistant material to the plastics market back at the end of 2019. As a technical specialist, RUCH NOVAPLAST has an unwavering interest in new ideas to transform our customers’ requirements (or even problems) into solutions.

The Ultramid® particle foam delivers an impressive performance across the board with a range of unique properties: high temperature resistance (up to 230 degrees Celsius), outstanding rigidity and strength, as well as excellent chemical resistance, e.g. to fuels, oils and lubricants. The closed-cell foam structure also offers unique pressure resistance. A necessary property for use in crash-relevant components that are subject to high mechanical stresses. Component densities can be set over a wide range from 150 to 600 g/L. Due to this versatility, lightweight applications are also conceivable.*

RUCH NOVAPLAST is already using Ultramid® particle foam for applications in series production with tremendous success.


*Source: BASF press release, 14.10.2019


