EPPE: Precision and safety with expanded polyphenyl ether

Expanded polyphenyl ether (EPPE) is an innovative, lightweight particle foam that offers a wide range of benefits. With an excellent thermal insulation of only 0.034 W/(m*K) at a density of 100 g/l and a temperature resistance of up to 130 °C, it is ideal for demanding electronics applications that protect foamed-in electronics. EPPE is also used in the mobility industry and in stationary applications where fire protection and precision are crucial. Its flame-retardant properties and excellent flame resistance ensure a high level of safety: EPPE achieves UL94 V-0 classification – without the use of halogenated flame retardants.

In addition, EPPE enables thin-walled and precise shaping. Another advantage is its high resistance to chemicals, including aggressive substances such as acids and solvents.

EPPE is used here

  • Foamed-in electronics
Detailaufnahme Werkstoff Oberflaeche EPPE | RUCH NOVAPLAST GmbH in Oberkirch
Oberflaeche Werkstoff EPPE Gehaeuse | RUCH NOVAPLAST GmbH in Oberkirch
Oberflaeche Werkstoff EPPE Gehaeuse | RUCH NOVAPLAST GmbH in Oberkirch


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