From the idea to the finished product

Shaping ideas - requires structure.
Read here how we proceed for this and which additional services we can add to our service portfolio if necessary.

Our manufacturing competencies

RUCH NOVAPLAST- start-up management, ensuring series production capability,

Start-up management

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Production, Automated and monitored production processes

Automated production process

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Business Development, individual customer needs

Business development

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Development, development & innovation, products and materials, tools and devices

Development & Innovation

RUCH NOVAPLAST- laboratory, laboratory & analytics, material testing laboratory, measurements, tests, documentation, physical, electrical and chemical parameters

Laboratory & Analysis

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Warehouse logistics, buffer areas, warehouse management

Warehouse & Logistics

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Assembly, assembly, model airplanes or components, various processes, assembled assembly elements


RUCH NOVAPLAST- Problem solving, application specialists, exchange of experience, lightweight combination solutions, processes and technologies

Problem solution

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Sustainability, Life cycle assessment for products: The CO2 product calculator

Product Carbon Footprint Calculator

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Product design, surface and volume designs, models and tools, CAD formats

Product design

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Project management, high planning security, project goals, project manager

Project management

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Prototypes, Detailed prototypes, CAM/CNC technology, Milling


RUCH NOVAPLAST- Process organization, process-oriented organizational structure

Prozess organisation

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Quality, visual inspection, testing technology


RUCH NOVAPLAST- Production, series production, production systems, automation

Series production

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Tool design, in-house tool design, foaming tools, high-quality molded parts

Tool design

RUCH NOVAPLAST- Manufacturing expertise

“Nur diejenigen, die in der Lage sind, alle Einzelinstrumente von der Entwicklung bis zur Serienproduktion zu koordinieren, können die besten Produkte und führende wirtschaftliche Lösungen liefern. Wir haben uns hierfür die entsprechenden Strukturen geschaffen, damit alle beteiligten Prozesse Hand in Hand arbeiten können – für einen optimalen und effektiven Produktentstehungsprozess.“

Hubert Conrath

PzV Serienproduktion RUCH NOVAPLAST

  • RUCH NOVAPLAST- Innovations, NOVAfeed&Fix, casing ducts, fixture element


  • RUCH NOVAPLAST- Innovations, NOVAfeed&Fix, casing ducts, fixture element
  • RUCH NOVAPLAST- Sustainable, mobility solutions, cargo bike
  • RUCH NOVAPLAST- Sustainable, mobility solutions, cargo bike

    Sustainable. Out of pure conviction.

Project request

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