Insulating devices: innovative and powerful

Particle foams are known as insulating materials – but why are they found inside devices? The answer is just as simple as the materials themselves: Precise cooling. Thanks to their three-dimensional formability, cooling channels can be perfectly designed. This optimizes the air flow and dissipates heat directly at the point of origin. The result: reliable cooling thanks to increased flow velocity, which protects sensitive components from overheating.

RUCH NOVAPLAST is setting new innovative standards with NOVAetherm®. The ground-breaking technology combines the best properties of thermally insulating materials with the efficiency of electric panel heating. The combination of molded parts for insulation and molded parts for heating creates a high-performance solution that both insulates and heats – ideal for innovative heating systems.

Gezielte Luftfuehrung | Isolation Funktionale Produktkompetenzen | RUCH NOVAPLAST GmbH in Oberkirch

Insulate specific devices with NOVAetherm®

The process is based on a thermally insulating material such as EPP, to which a heatable layer of paint or film is applied. This is connected to a power supply and thus enables efficient heat dissipation. NOVAetherm® opens up new possibilities, particularly in residential ventilation, as it not only offers excellent insulation but can also be installed as an integrated heating solution in modern systems.

Assembling components

With NOVAplex®, we are setting new standards in assembly: components are quickly and easily inserted into molded parts – without any complicated screwing. Discover how our innovative design philosophy makes the assembly process more efficient.

Fastening elements

With NOVAfeed&fix® and NOVAson®, we offer innovative solutions for fastening elements in plastic parts. Find out how our two technologies integrate precise and flexible fasteners into enclosure systems.

Joining molded parts

With NOVAweld®, we have developed an innovative technology for the material-bonded joining of molded particle foam parts. Find out how this process efficiently joins complex components without changing their unique properties.

Finishing surfaces

With NOVAtexture®, we refine particle foam molded parts during their production. Find out how our innovative technology creates beautifully shaped and functional surfaces that improve both the look and feel.