EPS: the high-performance material for energy absorption and thermal insulation

Expanded polystyrene (EPS or Styropor®) is a highly developed plastic that is characterized by its excellent energy absorption and exceptional thermal insulation properties. With its low density and high insulation performance, EPS stands out from other materials. It is used in a wide range of applications, such as functional elements in facades and crash elements for helmets.

Whether with or without polymeric flame protection, the EPS material offers an optimum solution for demanding applications thanks to its shock absorption characteristics and insulating properties.

EPS is used here

  • Functional elements in the façade in low and high densities
  • Crash elements for helmets
Detailaufnahme Werkstoff Oberflaeche EPS | RUCH NOVAPLAST GmbH in Oberkirch
Helm aus Partikelschaum | EPS | RUCH NOVAPLAST GmbH in Oberkirch
Modellflugzeug | Mobilität | RUCH NOVAPLAST GmbH in Oberkirch


We are experts in the processing of innovative particle foams with thermoplastic properties and high lightweight construction potential. Our focus is on high-performance, sustainable materials with many possible applications. See for yourself.


We develop and produce insulating molded parts, complete assemblies and complex housing systems made of particle foam for various industries. Find out more about the areas in which our versatile materials are used.